Tagged: Children

Fabulae Mirabiles

In his article, How to Conquer the “Fear of Missing Out” at The Imaginative Conservative, John Horvat II bluntly calls FoMO “a weariness for spiritual things” and goes on to give the concise solution...

Hail, Holy Queen!

A blessed Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary to all of our readers! 31st May, The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Liturgia Latina includes excerpts from today’s Mass and a link to...

Angels and Mothers

Today is the eve of the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven, and Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals offers an excellent sermon by Father Prosper Gueranger, Proper of the Time and the Vigil...

The Land Without a Sunday

The Blessedness of Labor from Finer Femininity by Rev. George Deshon addresses any complaints that particularly women who must work for a living might have, but there is advice that is pertinent to everyone,...

The Sisters

Dena Hunt from The Ink Desk Blog in Faith and Fireflies meditates on a childhood memory and draws deep parallels about which many today would do well to stop and think.  “We’d hear that...

The Murder of Masculinity

Very few, aside from those who are caught up in them themselves, would fail to affirm that video and computer games have become problematic and addictive in modern society. They seem to be particularly...

Where Have the Children Gone?

The Thinking Housewife draws upon the words of great American essayist Agnes Repplier in the post Arrested Childhood, which calls into question the wholesomeness and wisdom of showering children with gadgets and smothering them...

Proper Training Leads to Admiration

The responsibility of Catholic parents cannot be overstated. All too often, we allow things to become unnecessarily obscured by the minutiae of daily life; things which, when isolated, are actually quite simple and clear....


Lent is the perfect time to root out our hidden vices. Do You Have the Vice of Ambition? from Those Catholic Men discusses the excess of magnanimity as expounded by St. Thomas Aquinas. “…an...