Tagged: Saints

Fighting for Advent

Today, December 6th, is the feast of St. Nicholas: Bishop of Myra, patron of children, and great defender of the Faith against Arianism. Modern times have seen his memory distorted into the materialistic Santa...

They Are Not Ungrateful

The words of Mother Mectilde, provided by Vultus Christi, urge us to Forget not the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Not only must we remember especially during the month of November to keep the Holy...

Correction, Presence, and Temptation

We’ve been hearing about the Filial Correction Concerning Propagated Heresies which came out of the Novus Ordo for a number of weeks, and although the document is easily overlooked and dismissed as further N.O....

Remaining Little

We celebrated the feast of The Little Flower at the beginning of the month and in honour of one of the greatest saints of modern times, here is a post from The Thinking Housewife....

Said Hanrahan

Cattle Facts provides what is perhaps the most famous poem of John O’Brien’s Around the Boree Log. Said Hanrahan succinctly characterises the eternal pessimists of this world in a 1920s rural Australian setting. Don’t...


Señorita Rita at To be Valiant is to be Virtuous recently shared an excerpt from R. P. Quadrupani’s Light and Peace which she entitled The Presence of God. It makes for a short but...