
Lent is the perfect time to root out our hidden vices. Do You Have the Vice of Ambition? from Those Catholic Men discusses the excess of magnanimity as expounded by St. Thomas Aquinas. “…an ambitious man, as Aquinas says quoting Tully (Cicero), ‘desires himself alone to dominate others.’  It’s about him.  It’s an ‘inordinate love of honor.’” Ambition is such a common vice in this materialistic culture; is it one you fall into?

Another frequent vice, one which is often lauded by modernity, is that of permissiveness in parenting. Finer Femininity shares an excerpt from Reverend Father George A. Kelly’s The Catholic Handbook in a post entitled Five Principles of Discipline. His advice outlines judicious discipline that is appropriate, clear, and consistent to guide young Catholics toward the road of self-discipline.

We’ll end today with an excellent quote to carry us through Lent from St. Bernadette Soubirous in Starting Saturday Off Right: I Shall Spend Every Moment Loving Edition on Barnhardt. “One who loves does not notice her trials; or perhaps more accurately, she is able to love them…”

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