The Thinking Housewife draws upon the words of great American essayist Agnes Repplier in the post Arrested Childhood, which calls into question the wholesomeness and wisdom of showering children with gadgets and smothering them with ceaseless entertainments. Imagine how different a world without electronic screens would be for children… if you can.
Did your family or any of your friends decorate eggs to celebrate Easter? Eggs have been used symbolically at Easter for hundreds of years, and over at Return to Order you can view some of the fruits of Christian art in the breathtaking gifts that the Tzars used to give for the Solemnity of Solemnities with Evan Olwell’s piece, Civilization in an Egg.
For sure, the record-breaking interregnum in which we find ourselves has taken its toll. A home whose father has been away for a long period of time will suffer for his absence; letters might be read and memories of his previous presence recalled, but without the “man of the house” around, problems arise. Wouldn’t the children look with growing anticipation to the father’s return and be reminded of his empty chair whenever “dad” is mentioned by others? The feasts of pope saints bear for true Catholics a bittersweet happiness and are an inspiration to pray to the canonised pontiffs with a very particular longing. 5th May, St. Pius V, Pope and Confessor from Liturgia Latina is not one you want to miss. “O God, who for the overthrowing of the enemies of Thy Church and for the restoring of the beauty of Thy worship, didst choose blessed Pius as supreme Pontiff: grant that we may be defended by his patronage and so cleave unto Thy service, that overcoming all the snares of our enemies, we may rejoice in Thy eternal peace.”