I have had for some time a project on my mind and my visit earlier this year to the Philippines and Fr. Soliman’s spirited group of Catholics in Manila helped crystallize my thoughts.
True Restoration has grown as an organization in a developed country and has price points and assumptions built around incomes in the wealthy developed world.
Needless to say, many Catholics around the world don’t have access to the income that could help them buy TR memberships, in part because they live in countries where the average monthly wage is $150-300 USD.
So, we’ve come up with a way to address this gap.
Firstly, we are going to be offering free digital and monthly membership to any member of Fr. Nkamuke’s Nigerian missions and Fr. Soliman’s Filipino mission. We will also offer a 75% discount on any annual memberships to members of those missions.
Fill out the form here: https://truerestoration.org/mission-program/
Secondly, as an organization we will be collecting contributions for these missions twice a year, usually configured around a specific project that the Fathers will share with us. Whatever shortfall in the goal from our own members, True Restoration will endeavor to bridge.
We will have more to share as we get closer to 2023 what the first projects of the new year for these missions will be.
I also wanted to take a moment to share something that our clergy have known about for some time. We offer a free digital membership to any persons undergoing instructions to convert to Catholicism. We have been doing this privately on a case-by-case basis, but the new year invites us to now make this publicly available.
The form is here: https://truerestoration.org/catechesis-program/
These programs are made possible by the ongoing pledges of our Annual and Monthly members, without whom we would not have the wonderful content we are proud to offer you.