Tagged: Finer Femininity


It’s the “twinkle in Pa’s eyes,” as Laura Ingalls would say; it’s the laughing at our own fool selves; it’s that spirit for which Saint Philip Neri is so well-known; it’s what Aristotle called...

Such a Waste!

Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian in his article, The Destruction of Childhood from Truth and Charity Forum, provides an overview of the ways that children are under attack and the techniques used to turn a child...

Existence. Obedience. Sanctuary.

Today, we have The Thinking Housewife expounding upon what it means to “become as little children” in the post The Secret of Existence. Not only are simplicity and littleness required, but also, and perhaps...

The Man Without A Masterpiece

Sarah Metts’ piece, Don Pelayo and the Reconquest of Spain, on Catholic Exchange will provide a quick history lesson on the time leading up to the glorious Reconquista.   From Memoria Press a short...


Eucatastrophe – don’t you just love that word?  It is defined as “a sudden and favorable resolution of events in a story; a happy ending,” and it appears to have been coined by J.R.R....


Ladies, Lent is as appropriate a season as ever to foster the virtues of recollection and prudence in regards to speech especially.  The two guards before our tongues, the teeth and the lips, serve...

A Warning to the Zealous

Rita at Who Shall Find a Valiant Woman writes A Warning to the Zealous. We were able to get in contact with the author who pleasantly shared with us: “I have been a traditional...