Existence. Obedience. Sanctuary.

Today, we have The Thinking Housewife expounding upon what it means to “become as little children” in the post The Secret of Existence. Not only are simplicity and littleness required, but also, and perhaps more uncomfortably, weakness is necessary. As St. Therese of Lisieux says, “It is truly sweet to feel weak and little.” And when contemplating Our Lord it is impossible to feel elsewise. This beautiful piece will inspire you to become small and completely dependent upon God.

Next up is a wonderful read for young ladies coming of age and an excellent refresher for all of us: The Strength of Obedience on Finer Femininity is an excerpt from Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale. “There is rare pleasure in obedience. The answer of a good conscience brings into the heart a peace and satisfaction that nothing can destroy.” Obedience is a prerequisite for everything worth accomplishing.

The stress and anxiety of even the worst day disappear in the presence of Our Blessed Lord as is exquisitely illustrated in The Sanctuary on The Catholic Gentleman. Deo Gratias for the true Sanctuary offered us by Christ in Holy Mother Church, Her Sacraments, and His Presence on the altar!

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