Singed Marks
The Museum of the Poor Souls in Purgatory by Margaret C. Galitzin from Tradition in Action tells of a not-so-famous attraction in a Rome. The reality of the invisible world is something of which...
The Museum of the Poor Souls in Purgatory by Margaret C. Galitzin from Tradition in Action tells of a not-so-famous attraction in a Rome. The reality of the invisible world is something of which...
Many call upon St. Benedict and wear his medal as protection against the devil, and rightly so, but did you know that another monastic father claims a similar power? On Friday 4th was celebrated...
Jeannie Ewing writes a beautifully simple perspective on existence for Integrated Catholic Life, Flourishing and Dying. “Each day, we are called to die in some way. It’s our yes to God’s beckoning when Jesus...
In this episode Father Despósito continues his commentary on Royo Marín’s Theology of Christian Perfection. We are dealing with the third section of the book which covers the negative aspect of the Christian life....
John Horvat II on Return to Order poses the question Why Can’t Americans Enjoy Life?, although it’s clear that the problem he has identified is not confined by national boundaries. Humanity has, by and...
In his article, How to Conquer the “Fear of Missing Out” at The Imaginative Conservative, John Horvat II bluntly calls FoMO “a weariness for spiritual things” and goes on to give the concise solution...
In this episode Father Despósito continues his commentary on Royo Marín´s Theology of Christian Perfection. We are dealing with the third section of the book which covers the negative aspect of the Christian life....
Today is the eve of the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven, and Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals offers an excellent sermon by Father Prosper Gueranger, Proper of the Time and the Vigil...
In this episode Father Nicolás Despósito continues his commentary on Royo Marín´s Theology of Christian Perfection. The focus today is on the purification of the passions. Join Father Nicolás Despósito, seminary professor at Most...
In a post that emphasizes the beauty and fullness of the ancient Paschal traditions, Vultus Christi expounds on these practices and their meaning for both monastic and laypeople, neophytes and veterans. Days of Milk...