John Horvat II on Return to Order poses the question Why Can’t Americans Enjoy Life?, although it’s clear that the problem he has identified is not confined by national boundaries. Humanity has, by and large, forgotten the art of leisure, and as such, even our vacations are harried and hurried. Mr. Horvat does an excellent job of illustrating the problem by comparing the modern concept of partying with the ancient custom of festivals. “People are so self-absorbed with the world of work and pleasure that they don’t know how to take a vacation, celebrate life’s meaning or return to God.” Truly so.
With those medieval festivals in mind, click on over to Medievalists and enjoy A Fortress Built of Salt by Dani Trynoski. The pictures and history of the church of San Vicenç and the castle of Cardona will have you daydreaming of festival-filled years gone by, and perhaps even planning a bit of leisure time in the northeastern corner of Spain.
As you are surely aware, July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus. Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals offers meditations for each day of this month. The meditation for today, July 5th, is on one of the types of the Precious Blood of Our Lord: the blood of the Paschal lamb.