The Museum of the Poor Souls in Purgatory by Margaret C. Galitzin from Tradition in Action tells of a not-so-famous attraction in a Rome. The reality of the invisible world is something of which Catholics must never lose sight: “Each glassed display holds a different item – Scriptures, prayer books, a tabletop, an article of clothing – that bears the singed marks of the hands of souls in Purgatory.” These are a fascinating reminder.
After seeing some of those burn marks one is bound to be thankful for Reparation presented by The Hebdomadal Chesterton!
Ink on paper just has something that text on a screen does not. Joseph Pearce writes Why Note-Taking by Hand Is Better for Your Brain, taken from the Imaginative Conservative, an informative piece on the subject of note-taking by hand and why you make haste slowly when doing so. “The counterintuitive paradox is that slowing down with note taking accelerates learning. The tortoise really does outpace the hare merely by taking its time.”