Correction, Presence, and Temptation

We’ve been hearing about the Filial Correction Concerning Propagated Heresies which came out of the Novus Ordo for a number of weeks, and although the document is easily overlooked and dismissed as further N.O. antics, it may be indicative of some important movements within the usurping sect. Bishop Donald Sanborn offers his analysis in “Correctio Filialis” at In Veritate. As His Excellency points out, there are many problems with the underlying principles behind this document, but it may still be a sign of rightward progress. “The Novus Ordo conservatives have finally opened their eyes, to a certain extent. Their constant attempt to see clothing on the naked emperor has finally failed, that is, the perpetual offering of flimsy and absurd interpretations that attempt to change heresy into orthodoxy.”

Finer Femininity recently posted a beautiful excerpt from The Catholic Teacher’s Companion by Rev. Felix M. Kirsch, O.M. (1924) under the title A Woman’s Happiness - The Blessed Sacrament. The piece focuses upon the graces received by a Sister due to her close proximity to Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament, however, religious and laity alike will find it inspirational and edifying.

Today, 25 October, is the feast day of St. Chrysanthus and St. Daria, Martyrs, whose story is shared in a sermon by Father Francis Xavier Weninger (1876), found at Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals. These chaste saints are models of virtue and fortitude in the face of temptation.


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