Tagged: Catholic Exchange

Lights, Songs, Angels

Catholic Exchange presents an excerpt from Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet’s Meditations for Advent under the title The Song of Angels. “A good will is one that is in conformity with the will of God. As his...

They Are Not Ungrateful

The words of Mother Mectilde, provided by Vultus Christi, urge us to Forget not the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Not only must we remember especially during the month of November to keep the Holy...

Only One Mistake

“ ‘Our lives are lived under the white glare of eternity, if we only had the eyes to see it. Maurus, our days are flung against a background of finality that frightens one. Did...

Slowly Dying

Catholic Exchange shares Pope Saint Leo the Great on the Passion of the Lord, a sermon which will inspire proper preparation for Easter communion. The words of this great Pope are timeless. “And because...

Ponder the Sorrows

“Toleration,” according to the Catholic Encyclopedia “in general signifies patient forbearance in the presence of an evil which one is unable or unwilling to prevent.”  Sean Fitzpatrick’s article from Catholic Exchange, St. John Bosco and the Danger...


Mr Jason Craig at Those Catholic Men has an excellent piece on the indispensable role each generation plays for the next. Dear Men, Without You Boys CANNOT Be Virtuous – Here’s What to Do...

The Cross is the Answer

Brett at The Art of Manliness writes Want To Feel Like a Man? Then Act Like One. A brilliant article (and a video!) for men. “They [men] believe that at some magical moment in the...

The Man Without A Masterpiece

Sarah Metts’ piece, Don Pelayo and the Reconquest of Spain, on Catholic Exchange will provide a quick history lesson on the time leading up to the glorious Reconquista.   From Memoria Press a short...


Eucatastrophe – don’t you just love that word?  It is defined as “a sudden and favorable resolution of events in a story; a happy ending,” and it appears to have been coined by J.R.R....