“Toleration,” according to the Catholic Encyclopedia “in general signifies patient forbearance in the presence of an evil which one is unable or unwilling to prevent.” Sean Fitzpatrick’s article from Catholic Exchange, St. John Bosco and the Danger of Tolerance, narrates a story in which is demonstrated the correct manner to deal with the malicious who would, if tolerated, poison and destroy the good. It brings to mind the example of Pope Saint Pius X with his Sodalitium Pianum and beating with fists!
Final Perseverance by Saint Bonaventure is a beautiful piece provided by Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals on “the crown of all virtues.” A good reminder and safeguard for humility that is finished with an indulgenced prayer.
Liturgia Latina supplies a note on the life of Saint Gabriel, the Passionist who, prior to his entry into the religious life, was known for the great care he took of his dress and appearance and enjoyment of social occasions. His prodigious devotion to the Sorrowful Mother led him from the beckoning world to join one of the most austere orders, there to achieve so much good in the last few years of his life. As 27th February, St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Confessor quotes from the Collect, “O God, who didst teach blessed Gabriel diligently to ponder the sorrows of Thy most sweet Mother, and who hast exalted him to the glory of sanctity and the working of miracles; grant us, through his intercession and example, so to mourn with Thy Mother, that we may be saved through her maternal care.”