In Veritate, Episode 25: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
The Catholic Church has not seen in her 2000-year history the spreading of error in the same way we have witnessed in the past 50 years. The difference between Vatican II and Catholicism is...
The Catholic Church has not seen in her 2000-year history the spreading of error in the same way we have witnessed in the past 50 years. The difference between Vatican II and Catholicism is...
As we shared in our Flagship episode to open Season 6, we found an equilibrium with our membership levels. We have an Annual Membership which provides unlimited access to great content on our site....
This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Today we have a show dedicated to the chief doctrine of our Faith, the Resurrection of Our...
Our Lord said, “Greater love than this no man hath that a man lay down his life for his friends.” According to Saint Alphonsus Ligouri, Jesus died on the cross mainly to prove His...
Firstly, Bishop Daniel Dolan shares with us the meaning behind the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, the feeding of the multitudes with the loaves and the fishes prefigures the institution of...
Father Charles McGuire discusses the meaning of why we are blessed with ash on the first day of Lent. He also instructs us how we are to pray the Stations of the Cross during...
God wills that the Church be the means of salvation and not of judgment. The purpose of the Church is to bring as many people as possible to the light of faith and means...
Bishop Daniel Dolan discusses that single line from our Creed, the Communion of Saints. The meaning of the communion of saints is being united in one body of the Holy Church, with that Our...
The entire Old Testament looks forward to and is a foreshadowing of the New. Everything is a prefiguration of the New Testament, the Jews were in expectation of the coming of the Messiah. The...
Our ability to do good is paralyzed if we do not deny ourselves. Praying is a great example of self-denial. Our sensual nature is opposed to prayer – it does not please the softness...