In Veritate, Episode 13: Patience and Anger and The Epiphany
Patience is a bearing of evil in order that a greater good come about or in order that a greater evil be avoided. Patience and tolerance of sinners is prudent when it is in...
Patience is a bearing of evil in order that a greater good come about or in order that a greater evil be avoided. Patience and tolerance of sinners is prudent when it is in...
New to 2016, the Apologetics Series will take members through a comprehensive study on Catholic Apologetics – the science of defending the Catholic Faith against its deniers and to point out the credibility of...
We welcome Father Germàn Fliess, seminary professor at Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida. Advent is a time of penance. Penance is a species of justice, for justice seeks to restore and maintain...
We welcome back Father Joseph Selway, assistant pastor of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida. The Holy Name of Jesus is our sure protection against Satan and is of divine origin. Jesus means...
We welcome Bishop Daniel Dolan, pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio. The Gospel is the life-giving Word of the Son of God; a concrete and divine presence. Merely...
**PARENTAL WARNING: Parts of this episode are unsuitable for children** Navigating our families through the dangerous waters of modern mainstream media, in particular TV and movies, is an ongoing challenge, as any parent of...
We welcome back Father Anthony Cekada on this episode. These days, we live in a culture of instant opinion. Everyone is encouraged to hold an opinion on everything, regardless of whether there is any...
In this episode Father Anthony Cekada joins Matthew Gaskin to discuss this significant article in the history of opposition to Vatican II first published in 1995 and again in 2006. As part of True...
This month on The Root of the Rot, host Stephen Heiner and guest Bishop Donald Sanborn discuss various programs to water down Catholicism, all in the 20th century and all before Vatican II. These...
We welcome back Father Anthony Cekada to From the Pulpit. “Patriotism” is a word which has been used by political leaders to disguise evil with emotional appeals to loyalty to the state and country. It...