Sts. Nereus, Achilleus, and Domitilla & Pancras
The Catholic Gentleman enthusiastically reviews The Way and bills it as a "Manly Movie". The story is set on the ancient pilgrimage route, Camino de Santiago.
Paul F. Crawford whacks the legs out from under four persistent myths about the Crusades in this Intercollegiate Review excerpt of a 2011 article.
In this third essay on the role of imitation for Tradition in Action, Professor Plinio Correa de Oliveira explains how the nobility once modeled a healthy form of leisure through the hunt.
I don’t have a good feeling about ‘the hunt’. It seems to me to be cruel.
‘Hunting with hounds in the traditional manner became illegal in 2002 in Scotland and 2005 in England and Wales’ (Wikipedia)
A lot of people today would agree with you, I am sure.