Restoration Radio Week in Review - Week Ending 5/10/14
Clerical Conversations on the Crisis XII: Relocation, Survivalism, and End Times
Nicholas Wansbutter is joined by His Excellency Bishop Daniel Dolan and Father Anthony Cekada and examine in depth the very pertinent question of what obligation a Catholic is under to live a practical distance from a traditional chapel so he can receive the sacraments on a regular basis. While one's work can often dictate where he is located, in many cases Catholics are given opportunities to live within driving distance to a traditional church. Sometimes, although it may require sacrifice, one has the ability to move closer, but is he required to do so? As a very delicate moral question, His Excellency and Father lay out the basic Catholic principles by which to make these difficult decisions of life. Surprisingly, they show how these same principles also apply not only to choice of location of work, but to cases of families who, in attempting to separate themselves from the world, move away from the mass and the sacraments. In the economic and tumultuous times of today, this show will be useful to Catholics seeking guidance so as not to misplace their priorities under this current shadow of fear.
Work of Human Hands IV: The Mass as an Assembly
In this show, Father Anthony Cekada highlights the important topics covered in Chapter 5 of his book Work of Human Hands which focuses on the discontinuity of the theology of the "new mass" of Paul VI from the theology of the mass of St. Pius V and the Council of Trent. Before Vatican II doctrine, discipline, ceremonies were synthesized together to guard, protect, and teach the truths of the faith to the faithful. In their quest to destroy the Church the modernists realized, given the law of praying is the law of believing, that if they changed the prayers, they would change what was believed by the Catholic laity.
Father Cekada demonstrates these modernists did not waste any time as they began by destroying the very definition of the mass creating a completely new theology of what the mass is. With the help of Justin Soeder, Father systematically walks the listener through the contrasted theology between a Catholic definition of the new mass as a sacrifice of propitiation and this novel creation which is described by the General Instruction (the G.I.) as an assembly of the people of God gathered together to hold a memorial service. Both Father and Justin show how this novel or more properly Protestant understanding of the mass as the presence of Christ being in the assembly, has destroyed the laity's belief in the real presence and Catholic understanding of the mass being the un-bloody re-presentation of the sacrifice of Cavalry.
This G.I. has since spawned a new generation of laity and priests who are so focused on the importance of the assembly as the offeror of the mass with the priest as the presider they forget about Christ and the fact that the priest is the alter Christus. And to eliminate the possibility of Christ entering the minds of the laity during an improbable second of mediation, the presider now chats, explains every detail, and cracking jokes if need be. This lack of silence is not an abuse but an integral part of the new theology as the people must have everything explained to them partly because of the very loose regulation does not synthesize any cohesiveness between the parts of the new "mass". Hence the Novus Ordo churches have been transformed from sanctuaries of God to coffee shops. So if you have time for a cup of java, listen to Father's critique to fully understand how the new theology is encapsulated in the definition of the new "mass".
Nowa religia i katolicka odpowiedz, IV. Jan Pawel II a religia katolicka
„Starszych, którzy sa miedzy wami, prosze jako wspólstarszy i swiadek mak Chrystusa, oraz uczestnik tej chwaly, która w przyszlym czasie ma sie objawic. Pascie trzode Boza, która jest przy was, dogladajac jej nie z musu, ale ochotnie wedlug Boga [...]. A gdy sie ukaze Ksiaze pasterzy, otrzymacie niewiednacy wieniec chwaly” (Lekcja ze Mszy Si diligis za Papieza”).
Otóz, „biskupi i kaplani sa jakby tlumaczami i ambasadorami Boga, ich powinnoscia jest w Jego Imieniu nauczac nas Prawa Bozego i zasad naszego postepowania, jednym slowem zastepowac na ziemi samego Boga” (Katechizm Soboru Trydenckiego, roz. 26, § 1).
Czy Karol Wojtyla, jako kaplan i biskup, w swym publicznym postepowaniu wypelnial wiernie powierzone mu obowiazki? Czyz raczej kult czlowieka, ekumenizm, wolnosc religijna i inne glówne „prawdy”, które glosil, nie stoja w jawnej sprzecznosci z podstawowymi prawdami swietej wiary katolickiej? W czwartej audycji programu „Nowa religia i katolicka odpowiedz” z x.Rafalem Trytkiem zajmiemy sie stosunkiem Karola Wojtyly
do religii katolickiej. Program prowadzi Lukasz Paczuski.
James Schroepfer - Restoration Radio Network