“Is the Pope Catholic?”
That used to be a rhetorical question, much like “Is the sky blue?” or “Is grass green?” but ever since the Second Vatican Council wound up in 1965, it has been increasingly difficult for...
That used to be a rhetorical question, much like “Is the sky blue?” or “Is grass green?” but ever since the Second Vatican Council wound up in 1965, it has been increasingly difficult for...
True Restoration Media’s raison d’être is to do long-form interviews with clergy, and occasionally laymen, about the Catholic Faith. While the majority of our videos are either exclusive to our subscribers or available for...
Before Father Bede Nkamuke became a priest, Fr. Julian Larrabee was in Nigeria serving these faithful. We caught up with him in 2011 when he was last there and spent a few minutes with...
One of our favorite teachers in this short life has been Dr. David Allen White. When he came to our conference in 2011 he gave talks on Evelyn Waugh’s Sword of Honour trilogy as...
True Restoration Media subscribers have had access to this full interview for more than a year now, but it’s being made available to the general public now at no charge because it’s something that...
Subscribers at True Restoration Media have had access to this interview with Fr. Cekada since I did it last year. I had a chance to sit down with Fr. Cekada to talk about how...
In The Intellectual Life, Fr. Sertillanges says that one of the important things you can do in training your mind is to look back at work you have done and reflect on it. I’ve...
Cardinal Burke did a short video with CNS which is insightful. His takeaway quote: “The SSPX will have to have a more…concrete…obedience.” I’ll leave that to your imagination. Part 2 of the sham Fr....
Matthew at A Catholic Life has just posted an interview we did with Fr. Cekada on the Ottaviani Intervention. Father called the Intervention the “charter of the Traditionalist movement.” Watch this short interview...
People keep asking me for “more Dr. White” featuring the release of his latest interview. I have answers both now and later. Now: for those of you who never read it, the interview I...