People keep asking me for "more Dr. White" featuring the release of his latest interview. I have answers both now and later.
Now: for those of you who never read it, the interview I did with Dr. White in 2006 was featured in the October Angelus of that year and was also hosted exclusively online by the Cornell Society for a Good Time. The interview has some "dated" material, but much of it is timeless, and more importantly, is classic Dr. White.
Later: in June of this year Dr. White came to Overland Park, Kansas, to be part of a conference I hosted on Integral Catholicism. He gave two talks: one on Evelyn Waugh's Sword of Honour trilogy, one on Richard Wagner's Ring series. Those will be released to subscribers of my streaming video site (as an aside, the $99 current subscriber rate is going up January 1st...there will be some very exclusive content posted at that point, so get in now while it's still under $100) sometime in December and will be available for streaming purchase in January or later. Both talks are nearly 2 hours long and are for those who want deep and real analysis of these fascinating works.