Tagged: History


Personal identity is not a matter of preference or selection. In his article Personal Identity is Not Chosen at Crisis Magazine, James Kalb gives a thorough explanation of what personal identity is, the ways...


It is so very easy to become distracted by this world. But we are called to be in the world, not of the world… and yet, politics, sports, social media, and technology have become...

Latin and Final Perseverance

As traditional Catholics, the Latin language is an integral part of our daily lives. Because it is a “dead” language, Latin is a natural vehicle for the teachings and worship of the unchanging Faith...

God’s Spice and 1st Discourse

In King Lear’s Last Speech on Dappled Things the author, Michael Rennier, places some lines of Father Robert Southwell side by side with the poignant speech of Shakespeare’s King Lear.  Considered together, the works...

Spiritual Courage

Regis Martin’s A Model of Spiritual Courage for Our Time from Crisis Magazine briefly tells the story of Ven. Philip Howard, yet another victim to be laid at the name of Elizabeth I, yet...

Courting and Military Victories

Finer Femininity presents Pitfalls in Company-Keeping with guidelines on courtship from Father Lovasik. This article offers a thorough reminder for those who are courting or have loved ones in this stage of life. Father...

The Beginning of Wisdom

“Knowing yourself,” said Aristotle, “Is the beginning of wisdom.” Would it therefore be correct to say conversely that lack of wisdom is the beginning of lack of self-knowledge? The wisdom of the Catholic Faith...