Letter of Clare to Ermentrude found on Crossroads Initiative is the short letter written by the great Saint Clare of Assisi, whose feast we celebrate on Friday the 12th, to another bride of Christ, Ermentrude. Full of brief yet solid counsels and imbued with the spirit of true charity, the theme of the epistle is to love God above all else. “This labor of ours is brief, but the reward is eternal; let the noises of the fleeting world and its shadow not confound you...”
Read the post on Liturgia Latina, 15th August, Assumption of Our Blessed Lady, which presents the propers of the Mass as well as some traditions for the day, and get into the spirit of the Double of the 1st Class on Monday.
Lastly, here is the second instalment of Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguori’s Nine Discourses for Times of Calamities: Sinners will not Believe in the Divine Threats until the Chastisement has come upon Them from Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals. It is easy to fall into a comfort zone and perhaps form habits of sin, convincing ourselves that we can deal with the problem later, but we must keep vigilant. There is a price to pay for our sins, be it in this life or the next. May we be inspired by the words of Saint Alphonsus to not only repent our own sins, but also to expiate those of poor souls without the state of grace! “You must abandon sin; if you change your ways, avoid the occasions of sin, frequent the sacraments, and continue to lead a Christian life, the Lord will remit your punishment, if you abide in goodness; if not, you shall perish, otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. God has already borne with you too long, He can bear with you no longer. God is merciful, but He is just: withal; He deals mercifully with those who fear Him; He cannot act thus towards the obstinate.”