Tagged: Books


Living in a world absorbed in secular pleasures and diversions, oftentimes separated from the Sacraments and other devoted souls by hours’ or days’ worth of travel, modern-day Catholics can easily feel deeply hungry. This...

Horses and Great Silence

“They are difficult horses for mortal men to manage…” Great Books and Horses by Glenn Arbery from The Imaginative Conservative points out how one cannot fully appreciate many of the classics unless one has...

Grandeur of God and 4th Discourse

Crisis Magazine’s The Singular Catholic Vision of Gerard Manley Hopkins by Regis Martin is the first article for today. You can’t just scan over lines of poetry if you want to understand, so get...

Digital Literacy

Daphne Patai at Minding The Campus writes, Why Is It So Hard Now to Read a Book? “Years ago, some of my students told me that even between their experience and that of their younger siblings,...