Living in a world absorbed in secular pleasures and diversions, oftentimes separated from the Sacraments and other devoted souls by hours’ or days’ worth of travel, modern-day Catholics can easily feel deeply hungry. This hunger brings us a special bond with our predecessors who, as the Carthusian martyrs, were Starved to death for the Faith. Nobility’s article about the Carthusians features Blessed Thomas Johnson who died today, 20 September, in the year 1537.
As the presence of screens has grown in our lives, unfortunately, the presence of nature has dwindled for most. The negative effects of this abound, from poor sleep, to poor health, to high stress and anxiety levels, and these effects are accentuated in children. The Art of Manliness has an excellent and aptly entitled article: How to Get Your Kids to Love Nature (Even if You Live in the Burbs). The post offers practical advice and strategies, focusing on small, easily achievable goals that will benefit adults as well as youth.
Lastly, we would like to share with our readers information about a newly released children’s book written by Father Vili Lehtoranta, “The Boat to Limbo.” The announcement, Release of Rev. Vili Lehtoranta's The Boat to Limbo & Fundraiser for Mass Board Book!, can be found at St. Jerome Homeschool Library. As the title intimates, the sale of the book is doubling as a fundraiser for a board book Father Lehoranta hopes to publish.