Crisis Magazine’s The Singular Catholic Vision of Gerard Manley Hopkins by Regis Martin is the first article for today. You can’t just scan over lines of poetry if you want to understand, so get your poet’s cap on before tackling this thoughtful piece. “Knowing how to trace the movements of God amid the things he has made, and thus to experience an exhilaration comparable to that felt by Hopkins himself, is no easy task in a culture as insensate to beauty and grandeur as our own.”
It’s all in the disposition. It’s not about what one does but how one does it, and reading a book is no exception. Eva Brann calls upon the “principle of appreciation” in this very short post from The Imaginative Conservative, What Attitude Ought a Reader Adopt toward a Book?
The Four Principle Gates of Hell by Saint Alphonsus Liguori from Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals is the fourth of the series of Nine Discourses for Times of Calamities. How prevalent and not only accepted but encouraged these sins are in the modern culture! “These are the vices by which men offend God, and draw down upon themselves chastisements and eternal death. Amongst the other vices, there are four which send most souls to hell, and on this earth bring upon men the scourges of God…”