Continuing on our Lenten journey, Finer Femininity has a wonderful excerpt from Maria Von Trapp’s “Around the Year With the Trapp Family” in a post entitled Laetare Sunday to Palm Sunday – Maria Von Trapp. Several beautiful customs and traditions for the last two weeks of Lent are shared in this passage, along with some history and ancient traditions surrounding Laetare Sunday, also known as both “Rose Sunday” and “Mothering Sunday.” You’ll even find a recipe for traditional Simmel Cake!
The Stuff Nobody Wants by John Horvat II at Return to Order exposes one of the tragedies of modernity: family heirlooms have become unwanted dead weight. This is, in large part, caused by the disintegration of the family. “Where there is no sense of permanence or stability in relationships, things lose their significance, and there is no place for the stuff nobody wants.”
Lastly, Quidlibet has a new post from the sorely missed Reverend Father Anthony Cekada. A V2 Overview for Neo-Trads contains Father Cekada’s method of responding to inquiries into the Sedevacantist position. It includes a wealth of resources covering the problems with Vatican II and the post-Vatican II church, and expounding upon Sedevacantism.