Patience is a bearing of evil in order that a greater good come about or in order that a greater evil be avoided. Patience and tolerance of sinners is prudent when it is in the hope of converting others.
Anger, the opposite of patience, is usually sinful. Though, there is justified anger provided it is in accordance with reason.
Patience with the faults is not always a virtue. It is, sometimes, necessary to use anger in order to correct faults or in order to assure the common good.
Secondly, Bishop Sanborn discusses the feast of the Epiphany and how the three kings were in search for truth and spiritual gain.
We all thirst for truth. The human mind constantly craves for information. There are a set of ultimate truths in our minds which direct everything.
Let us be like the Magi and search for and love truth in this era of ignorance.
Join us on this episode of In Veritate.
We would like to thank Nicholas Wilton for providing the use of his sacred choral music for this show. Mr. Wilton's material can be purchased at:
Show Sponsor: Most Holy Trinity Seminary
Original Air Date: January 21, 2016
Show Run Time: 41 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn
Show Host(s): Matthew Arthur
Season 5 Sponsor:
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