A Contending Kind of Love

St. Barnabus

A message of mercy and love but so much more:  In this lengthy Tradition in Action piece, "The Sacred Heart of Jesus:  Symbol of Combativity & Restoration of Christendom,"  Atila S. Guimaraes and Marian T. Horvat team up to provide a sweeping history of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and inspiring examples of his eagerness to accompany us into battle.

Are you considering taking up pipe smoking or maybe purchasing one for a Father's Day gift?  This re-published article from the archives of PipeSMOKE is just the resource you need to familiarize yourself with the classic shapes and styles of briar pipes.  The short history that accompanies each one makes for intriguing reading, even if you have no interest in actually smoking one.

Grass, beer, cola, and ammonia.  Put them together and what do you get?  Drunken Compost.  In only 10-14 days.  Here's the video tutorial.  And yes, you can layer in your non-meat kitchen scraps and your coffee grounds.  Run 'em through your food processor first to speed things along.




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True Restoration

Learn and Live the Catholic Faith

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2 Responses

  1. You don’t get boney fingers? ☺

  2. True Restoration says:

    Ah! The potent compost! Good point! I definitely recommend wearing gloves!