Is There Still Valour?

St. Margaret of Scotland

What is the main premise of Christianity that Modernism attacks?  James V. Schall, S. J., lays it bare in all its simplicity in this excellent essay, "Hope Beyond Thy Sight," for The Catholic Thing.

Reading "Virtual Selves, Vacant Hearts" by Jack Trotter, chills.  Published in Chronicles last month, it is based on interviews with a young woman called "Krista," who is lovely and articulate and enjoys good family bonds.  Yet, she seems to prefer virtual relationships and finds fulfillment in role-playing video games.  It's enough to make you want to hurl your cell phone and laptop into the lake.

And on the lighter side, here is Jason Peters from Front Porch Republic, submitting to the criticisms of his beloved chief eye roller and 'fessing up a frightening list of his latest crimes in "Your Secrets Aren't Safe with You, She Says".




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