Don't Worry, Be Happy, it seems "Pope" Francis is saying, and we wonder how we will deal with the pain, anger, and frustration as the Church goes through her Passion. We must become "little", says a mission priest in this sermon posted by Rorate.
In Heaven There is No Beer, but down here the monks at Norcia know how to brew it and how to talk about it with visitors in order to lead them on a conversational path to Christ. Gregorian chant and the traditional Mass are the other two arrows in their evangelization quiver. New Liturgical Movement shares two videos on the monks, via CNS.
Southern historian Clyde N. Wilson ain't just whistlin' Dixie when he opines for Chronicles that the GOP is a sales organization, not a political party. Ah.
Its function is to promote men, usually well-to-do, who have no ideas and represent nothing but themselves, but are ambitious for the rewards of power. - See more at:
Its function is to promote men, usually well-to-do, who have no ideas and represent nothing but themselves, but are ambitious for the rewards of power. - See more at:
Its function is to promote men, usually well-to-do, who have no ideas and represent nothing but themselves, but are ambitious for the rewards of power. - See more at:
Its function is to promote men, usually well-to-do, who have no ideas and represent nothing but themselves, but are ambitious for the rewards of power. - See more at:
Its function is to promote men, usually well-to-do, who have no ideas and represent nothing but themselves, but are ambitious for the rewards of power. - See more at:
Its function is to promote men, usually well-to-do, who have no ideas and represent nothing but themselves, but are ambitious for the rewards of power. - See more at: