Octave of the Epiphany, Baptism of the Lord
How do you deal with loss? In this essay for Truth and Charity Forum, Don DeMarco, Ph. D., chooses the role of Paul Harvey and gives "the rest of the story" behind composer Joachín Rodrigo’s popular Concierto de Aranjuez for guitar and orchestra,
Art historian M. Duffy takes readers on a fantastic journey through the art of of The Annunciation in a stunning Ad Imaginem Dei 3-part series, overflowing with inspiration in text and images. Start with "The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation, Part 1," and simply click the hyperlink, "continue reading" at the end to be taken to Part 2.
Politics and the family: Bradley Birzer zeroes in on the ill in illegitimacy in this Imaginative Conservative piece that reveals the real source of America's woes.