“The Great Gospel Book of Columcille”
“At that time Jesus said to His disciples: If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Thus begins the Gospel reading for the special day of anticipation, at the end of the first ever novena....
“At that time Jesus said to His disciples: If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Thus begins the Gospel reading for the special day of anticipation, at the end of the first ever novena....
St. Margaret of Cortona The Catholic way is to offer God the best of everything, to take the beautiful things and make them serve His glory. Artist Daniel Mitsui writes passionately on the fascinating...
Octave of the Epiphany, Baptism of the Lord How do you deal with loss? In this essay for Truth and Charity Forum, Don DeMarco, Ph. D., chooses the role of Paul Harvey and gives “the...
St. Martin of Tours Fr. Lasance encourages us to practice kindness like a prayer, continually, in this excerpt from his book, Kindness, The Bloom of Charity, on the Finer Femininity blog. Reassuring news: There are still...
St. Catherine de Ricci No passive-aggressive remarks. The Wonderful World of Womanhood makes recommendations on how to make giving and receiving gifts a pleasant experience in this post for Valentine’s Day. Marriage used to...