By Some Miracle of God’s Providence

Writing for NLM, Gregory Dipippo shares the powerful story of "Blessed Herman, the Cripple".  Today he most likely would have been an abortion statistic, but just look at the amazing things he accomplished and the people he helped!  It's a quick read with huge return.

This is a story of a family farm, hard work, heritage breeds, a love of the land, and hugs from grateful customers.  It's also a story of a looming deadline to purchase the farm from relatives and the critical situation independent farmers face when trying to compete with factory farms, hence, the need for the present Kickstarter campaign.  But the story told in this video can stand alone from the fundraiser, and that is why it is shared here.

A world-famous 19th century train wreck in Ohio prompted the railroad industry to establish rigid standards for trainmen's timepieces, according to this Gentleman's Gazette report, "The Pocket Watch Primer", which outlines their history, types, and kinds of movements.  It also makes a point of emphasizing the value of stories in making the watches something to cherish and pass down.

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