In this episode Fr. Trauner and Stephen discuss the three “meanings” of collegiality that were floating around in the discussions about Lumen Gentium, only one of which was orthodox, and which was not the chosen explanation given by the Council. Also very important in this episode is the power politics going on behind the scenes, which includes Paul VI being openly deceived, which led to the introduction of the so-called “Prefatory Note” which is a document that ostensibly goes “in front of” something but ended up being included behind the footnotes.
If you would like to take an even closer look at the source material for these discussions, you can find a copy of The Rhine Flows Into the Tiber, at an excellent price, in our bookstore.
Original Air Date: June 11, 2019
Show Run Time: 25 minutes
Show Guest: Father Arnold Trauner
Show Host: Stephen Heiner
Individual Season 8 Show Price: Not available.
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