“At that time Jesus said to His disciples: If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Thus begins the Gospel reading for the special day of anticipation, at the end of the first ever novena. The Vigil of Pentecost provided by Liturgia Latina covers the liturgical happenings of the day.
A nice quote from G.K. on The Hebdomadal Chesterton treats of jokes and joking, a favourite subject of the Apostle of Common Sense: Fundamental folly. Perhaps there’s also a lesson or two in humility present.
It’s famous, old, Celtic, symbolic of Western Christian civilisation, intricate and just downright amazing. We hope you enjoy 10 Beautiful Images from the Book of Kells at Medievalists.net. “The Book of Kells is thought to be the work of a number of unknown genius-artists living in the monastery of Iona around the year 800. It is first mentioned in an account of a theft in the church of Kells in 1007, which describes the book as ‘The great gospel book of Columcille, the holiest relic of the western world.’”