The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 12: Priests and Angels Pray and Our Work

Go to Mass and unite your prayers with the prayers of the priest, which are also the prayers of Christ. Your own prayers which are imperfect will be made perfect by this union. Satan tries to deceive us to prevent us from going to Mass by all sorts of means. The most common excuse being that we have to work.

Father Julian Larrabee

Father Julian Larrabee

The text for this series is The Incredible Catholic Mass by Father Martin von Cochem.

23. The Manner and the Measure in which the Priest and the Angels Pray for Those Who are Present at Holy Mass
-Whether All Masses Are of Equal Value
-How the Angels Pray for us during the Time of Holy Mass
24. Holy Mass Does Not Hinder Our Work, but Helps Us with It

The music used in this show was composed by Nicholas Wilton. To enjoy more of his work go to:

Original Air Date: March 3, 2022
Show Run Time: 38 minutes
Show Host: Jason Guardiano
Show Guest: Fr. Julian Larrabee

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