Tagged: To Be Valiant is to be Virtuous

It’s Almost Advent!

Have you ever made a spiritual Christmas crib during Advent? Even the smallest children gain fruit and momentum preparing for the birth of the infant Jesus with this devotion. This year, Finer Femininity makes...


Señorita Rita at To be Valiant is to be Virtuous recently shared an excerpt from R. P. Quadrupani’s Light and Peace which she entitled The Presence of God. It makes for a short but...


“When man is doing the three or four things that he was sent on this earth to do, then he speaks like one who shall live for ever. …There are in life certain immortal...

The Mountain

The importance of steadfastness during this eclipse of Holy Mother Church cannot be overstated. Facing the unknown often breeds a certain weakness of faith and trust in God, and so much more so does...

Good and Evil

We often think of how blessed we are to have the modern conveniences that we enjoy every day: electricity brings light at the flip of a switch, washing machines and dishwashers nearly eliminate what...

Evil and Sorrow

Last week brought yet another atrocity to hallowed ground at the hands of the Vatican II antichurch. Novus Ordo Watch offers the story in Profanation in Rome: Anglican Liturgy celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica,...

Hopelessness, Suffering, Prayer

The accelerating and unrelenting parade of gadgets and technology with which the world is obsessed are most assuredly the biggest distraction mankind has ever seen. As the excerpt presented in Science and Hopelessness on...

Without Me…

“In order to understand how fundamental it is for the development of the Christian life to strive to acquire and maintain peace of heart, the first thing of which we must be convinced is...