Tagged: The Imaginative Conservative

Singed Marks

The Museum of the Poor Souls in Purgatory by Margaret C. Galitzin from Tradition in Action tells of a not-so-famous attraction in a Rome.  The reality of the invisible world is something of which...

Fabulae Mirabiles

In his article, How to Conquer the “Fear of Missing Out” at The Imaginative Conservative, John Horvat II bluntly calls FoMO “a weariness for spiritual things” and goes on to give the concise solution...

Only One Mistake

“ ‘Our lives are lived under the white glare of eternity, if we only had the eyes to see it. Maurus, our days are flung against a background of finality that frightens one. Did...

Death Shall be No More

John Horvat II makes some sobering observations in his article, The Earthquake That Destroyed More Than the Basilica of St. Benedict from Return to Order.  “Over the last fifty years, the Benedictine order has...

San Juan de la Cruz

The flames of Republican bonfires in Toledo were deprived of touching the precious documents that were saved by an Englishman to whom the Carmelite monks entrusted their care. Joseph Pearce’s piece, The Man Who...

It is Called Repentance

Joseph Pearce’s Tolkien, Trees, and Tradition from The Imaginative Conservative is a great article with spot-on metaphors, such as the philosophy of the tree and that of the cloud, that push home his warnings...

Horses and Great Silence

“They are difficult horses for mortal men to manage…” Great Books and Horses by Glenn Arbery from The Imaginative Conservative points out how one cannot fully appreciate many of the classics unless one has...