The Four Last Things, Episode 6: The Other Torments of Hell
Father Julian Larrabee reminds us that the company of Hell will add to the torments of Hell, so having any family or friends in Hell will only add to the misery and despair. The...
Father Julian Larrabee reminds us that the company of Hell will add to the torments of Hell, so having any family or friends in Hell will only add to the misery and despair. The...
Hell is real and it is important to know what Hell is like so that we can avoid it. The pain of fire in this world is but a small example of the fires...
Lent is in full swing with the Lenten Ember Days behind us and more than four full weeks of this penitential season ahead. March will bring many opportunities for reparation and penance, although it’s...
Join Father Philip Eldracher and Justin as they finish the Apostles’ Creed with a discussion on hell, and why we should think often of hell in order to avoid sin. This last episode of...
In his final appearance on This is Catholicism, Bishop Donald Sanborn covers articles 5 and 6 of Chapter 2 in the Deharbe Catechism, dealing with the death and resurrection of Our Lord. The program...
Satan’s purpose is to destroy souls, including those of children. In contrast, the main purpose of marriage is the procreation and education of children. Children need moral training from their parents on a daily...
R ecently, like undoubtedly all of us must from time-to-time, I had the difficult experience of sharing a secular friend’s loss of his wife of forty one years, and in trying to keep all...