Lent is in full swing with the Lenten Ember Days behind us and more than four full weeks of this penitential season ahead. March will bring many opportunities for reparation and penance, although it’s not without its joys and feast days. We will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the feast of St. Joseph in the coming weeks. But let us always keep our focus on the purpose of this season: 40 days towards saving our souls. How merciful God is to us!
In observance of Lent, this month we will release eight episodes of a new series, The Four Last Things. Host Jason Guardiano will be joined by Father Julian Larrabee, and they will be using the text The Four Last Things by Father Martin von Cochem. It is our hope that this series will help to further your Lenten studies and spiritual progress. The first episode will be released during the first week of March, with the remaining seven episodes following periodically throughout the month.
To continue to enable our work and our support of the clergy, all of the most recent episodes of True Restoration programming are accessible only to our Monthly and Annual members. Please consider enjoying this new series, The Four Last Things by becoming a member today!
Tune in as Jason Guardiano and Father Larrabee discuss The Four Last Things this month on True Restoration!
The Four Last Things, Episode 1: On the Terrors of Death
Father Julian Larrabee and host Jason Guardiano begin a series on The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Hell, and Heaven. In this first episode, Father discusses Death, the end we all must face. Better...
The Four Last Things, Episode 2: The Fear of Hell and On the Judgment
In this second part on death, Father Julian Larrabee describes what we will witness at our death and our particular judgment. We need all the grace and help from God in our last moments,...
The Four Last Things, Episode 3: Leading Up to the Last Judgment
When we commit mortal sin it is an infinite evil and infinite insult to the Divine Majesty for which we will stand in judgment before Almighty God in front of the entire human race....
The Four Last Things, Episode 4: The Last Judgment
Join Father Julian Larrabee in this continuation of the Last Judgment as he discusses the sentencing of all mankind and the resulting aftermath. The time of mercy will be over when The Last Judgment...
The Four Last Things, Episode 5: On the Fire of Hell
Hell is real and it is important to know what Hell is like so that we can avoid it. The pain of fire in this world is but a small example of the fires...
The Four Last Things, Episode 6: The Other Torments of Hell
Father Julian Larrabee reminds us that the company of Hell will add to the torments of Hell, so having any family or friends in Hell will only add to the misery and despair. The...
The Four Last Things, Episode 7: The Nature of Heaven
If we save our souls, by praying to God for His grace, we receive the reward of Heaven. We must never think that saving our souls is too difficult. Join Father Julian Larrabee and...
The Four Last Things, Episode 8: The Joys of Heaven
In our last episode, Father Julian Larrabee covers the supernatural joys of the Beatific Vision and the contemplation of God. We are not alone in our spiritual battles, we must rely on the protection...