Satan’s purpose is to destroy souls, including those of children.
In contrast, the main purpose of marriage is the procreation and education of children. Children need moral training from their parents on a daily basis.
Heaven or hell, a child’s final destination, for the most part, depends on how the parents raise the child. Mass on Sundays, sermons, example led by priests and nuns et cetera is merely supplementary to the primary training in the home. The family is the institution in which this training is to take place.
Bishop Sanborn extensively paves out the way to make sure our children, should we have any, are raised the best possible way by exploring the different traits and personalities everybody has, and how to mold these into virtue.
Join us on this episode of In Veritate.
We would like to thank Nicholas Wilton for providing the use of his sacred choral music for this show. Mr. Wilton's material can be purchased at:
Original Air Date: July 30, 2015
Show Run Time: 1 hour 51 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn
Show Host(s): Matthew Arthur
Show Sponsor:
Most Holy Trinity Seminary

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