Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals has an excellent variation on the traditional Advent calendar entitled “31 Meditations for Advent and Christmas.” Peruse the 14th Day: Advantages of the King’s Service today. You’ll find yourself...
Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals has an excellent variation on the traditional Advent calendar entitled “31 Meditations for Advent and Christmas.” Peruse the 14th Day: Advantages of the King’s Service today. You’ll find yourself...
Today, December 6th, is the feast of St. Nicholas: Bishop of Myra, patron of children, and great defender of the Faith against Arianism. Modern times have seen his memory distorted into the materialistic Santa...
Have you ever made a spiritual Christmas crib during Advent? Even the smallest children gain fruit and momentum preparing for the birth of the infant Jesus with this devotion. This year, Finer Femininity makes...
The words of Mother Mectilde, provided by Vultus Christi, urge us to Forget not the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Not only must we remember especially during the month of November to keep the Holy...
Little strikes fear into the heart of a mother more than watching her young child perch precariously at the edge of a railing or dangling from the highest branch of a tall tree… and...
Scruples can be a torturous vice, but as with all vices, it is conquered by the perfect and simple practice of simple virtues.. Sean Mitchell at Those Catholic Men shares how he benefited from...
Are you present in the moments of your life, or do you wander through hours each day distracted and in a “brain fog?” As Sam Guzman at The Catholic Gentleman points out in his...
The importance of steadfastness during this eclipse of Holy Mother Church cannot be overstated. Facing the unknown often breeds a certain weakness of faith and trust in God, and so much more so does...
Discontentment is rampant in modern society. Even the most devout amongst us fight against this expression of pride, battling the gnawing thought that we deserve better. It is, of course, a lie. In Right...
Alan Scott over at Grow in Virtue writes about picking up that cross and continuing on through hard times. Everyone goes through those stages when the “agony of life” drags you down, sometimes so...