We got some very happy emails before this Saturday to the effect of, "Are you really doing a Polish show!?" We replied that we would indeed be doing one. Unfortunately the sound quality wasn't what we hoped for but we have made the necessary adjustments to make the next episode better. We did just close the curtains on our first month of Season 3 of Restoration Radio but we have not yet premiered all the new shows (if that gives you any indication of our ambitions). We can't say which foreign language shows are in preproduction but we can tell you that more are coming soon. For now, we have a new outlet to your Polish friends!
I am such a huge fan of TR that I had to donate. Nowhere else in the world do you get access to real catholic clergy, traditional Catholic thinking and the absolute Truth anytime you want it. If you are a Catholic, you should have a free listen to the podcasts on itunes and if you like it, donate. At a little more than $2 per week at the platinum level it’s absolute value for money. Congratulations to you and the team for the success of the apostolate, especially for the new Bishop Sanborn conference. Down here in Australia, we are thirsting for this stuff. Especially with the crisis in the Church, it’s hard to know who to believe and who not to. We especially enjoy the simple things like Pastoralia and The Spiritual Life. All the very best of blessings to you and the team. As we say down here – good on ya mate!
His Excellency laid out a calm, reasoned case for not just Sedevacantism, but really addressed the fundamental question we all have had in our hearts: Is Vat II Catholic or not? His take is that Vat II contradicts Catholicism by teaching condemned errors such as a) Ecumenism (and Relativism), b) Outside the Church there IS salvation (aka, all roads lead to heaven). Those are two quick pithy answers to give clear examples to anyone who asks. The issue is not about Novus Ordo "abuses" nor about attending a "Latin Mass" - it is about doctrine and the incredible deviation of Vat II from Catholicism to found a new religion. This line of reasoning is completely in line with Cardinal Ottaviani's own critique of Paul VI's Missae.
I enjoyed the deconstruction of the SSPX arguments piece by piece, which to me have always verged on espousal of Gallicanism (i.e. listen to the pope, but pick and choose some of his direction and for gosh sake don't obey most! Now I find out they really are.) This is the question SSPX refuses to publicly answer and definitely attempts to play both sides against the middle. But to continually negotiate with what Lefevre called "Modernist Rome" is to tacitly assent to the current claimant's papal authority. The Q&A session was particularly helpful, because I have heard these exact arguments and questions myself. Even better,Bp Sanborn was engaging and gracious, and gave good example as to how we can engage the folks asking us these questions and help them to think a bit clearly in line with the mind of the church.
Money Quotes: "If Vatican II is Catholic, then blow up your balloons!" and "Truth can never be in straddling, but in 'yes' or 'no.’"
Interested to see what these gentlemen enjoyed so much? Check out membership for more details!
We also recently enjoyed a Chat Party on TradCircle - the social networking site for Traditional Catholics of all ages. We welcome all to join and get to know new Catholic friends.
Finally, Wendy Haught wrote an excellent piece on our patron, St. Ignatius of Loyola, which you can find below. His militancy and commitment inspire us here at TR on a daily basis to never be satisfied with what we are doing.
How about a show in Latin? I've long dreamed of interviewing H.E. Bishop Williamson, who is said to speak Latin quite well, or Bishop Dolan, to discuss the abysmal state of seminary studies in the language of Holy Mother Church!
(I'm a fluent Latinist, in case you are actually interested in such a program, which would really be a service to the Unity of the Church.)
Well Patrick
I guess the first thing would be for you to email mail@truerestoration dot org with your relevant contact details.