Pre-Lenten Sale

With the penitential season of Lent just around the corner, starting February 17th, now is the time to prepare which books and resources you will be utilising for your personal devotions and reading. To help you do this more economically True Restoration is putting all our books pertaining to the Passion and Death of Our Lord on sale for three days, from February 11 to February 13 (Central Time).

Our sale titles, particularly relevant to the Lenten season, are:

Way of the Holy Cross by St. Alphonsus Liguori (with musical extras plus more) - $2.00

The Clock of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - $10.50

At the Foot of the Cross: Or The Sorrows of Mary - Book Review - $12.50

Jesus Crucified - $8.00

The Crucifix: Pious Meditations - $8.00

The Three Hours' Agony of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Book Review - $4.50

Thoughts of the Passion for Each Day in Lent - $3.50

Why the Cross? - $15.50

The School of Jesus Crucified - Book Review - $8.50

Don't forget our TR signature Tote Bag to carry your precious books, missals and sacramentals in! - $14.50

An extra 10% discount applies to all orders from True Restoration Annual Members.


Theresa is Director of True Restoration Press and hostess of the Restoration Radio series, “The Catholic Home.” She is a cradle Catholic, homeschooling mother residing in Australia.