The importance wearing masks in public places during the "plandemic" has been forced upon us ad nausem, but do they actually work as claimed? What about possible health issues arising from wearing them? In this episode, Fr. Stephen McKenna takes on the role of host as he discusses the science behind usage of masks in great detail with his guest and parishioner Dr. Daniel Stanislowski.

Fr. Stephen McKenna
A special note of thanks to Nicholas Wilton for allowing us the use his music for this series. You can find out more about Mr. Wilton and his beautiful compositions here.
Featured Image: Fondazione Cariplo / CC BY-SA (
Original Air Date: February 12, 2021
Show Run Time: 46 minutes
Show Guest: Dr. Daniel Stanislowski
Show Host: Father Stephen McKenna
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From someone who is in month 64 homebound/bedridden from carbon dioxide, not monoxide, poisoning from a malfunctioning stove, please don’t wear masks, at the very least for long periods of time! Our stove was on for 9 years before we figured out [THANK YOU Saint Philomena} what was causing me, my husband, children and animals illness. Co2 poisoning is devastating and life threatening. There are co2 monitors for sale as well. Side effects have been vomiting, nausea, headaches, blurry vision, racing heart, RSS{ red skin syndrome}, extreme fatigue, well the list is vast, gruesome and excruciating. Our loved 14 year old beagle died from it. Natural immune support does work! and lots of prayer and patience. For anyone lonely, the Communion of Saints have been my support thru this isolation of 64 months, sometimes only seeing one or two other people for weeks or months at a time, laying in bed 23 hours a day all alone except when my husband could sit with me for awhile. +JMJ Sincerely, Jeanine Louks