Popes Against the Modern Errors, Episode 48: Auctorem Fidei (Part 1)

In this episode, Fr. Dutertre and Ethan begin a discussion of Auctorem Fidei by Pope Pius VI. We begin the show with a discussion of the historical context of Auctorem Fidei and the infamous synod of Pistoia which it was written in response to. After building a historical foundation Fr. Duterte goes on to explain the Pope Pius VI's condemnation of the synod of Pistoia and the parallels between it and Vatican II.

Tune in next week for the continuation of our study of Auctorem Fidei!

Popes Against the Modern Errors

Popes Against the Modern Errors

Show Notes:

Original Air Date: August 18, 2023
Show Run Time: 35 minutes
Show Host: Ethan
Show Guest: Fr. Damien Dutertre

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1 Response

  1. Paul Mugar says:

    In Mary’s Lanced Immaculate Heart (Fatima~Mahdi) of Incurable Love and Truth, paulus