Sacred Tradition is revelation and revelation is from God. The doctrines contained in the Sacred Tradition are from God. The Catholic Church infallibly preserves and proposes Sacred Tradition. The Catholic Church has access to everything that is necessary for promulgating the doctrines that God wills for the salvation of His people.
The qualities of our faith must be universal, firm, lively, and constant.
In the fourth episode of This is Catholicism, His Excellency, Bishop Donald Sanborn, guides us through "Tradition" and "Qualities of Faith" in A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion by Father Joseph Deharbe, S.J.
Deharbe’s Catechism was originally written in German, was very popular in the 19th century, and was translated into English. His Excellency finds the Deharbe Catechism to be the most complete to convert and instruct people in the Catholic Faith.
“A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion” by Father Joseph Deharbe S.J. is available to purchase in a beautiful, cloth-covered hardback with gold-embossing for a very-discounted price in the True Restoration store.
Follow along with us as His Excellency, Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary, and host Jason Guardiano cover “On Faith in General: Tradition and Qualities of Faith.”
Part I On Faith
Chapter I. Faith in General (continued)
5. Tradition. (Questions 34-40)
34. Is it enough to believe only those doctrines which are contained in the Holy Scripture?
35. Have not, then, the Apostles written all that Jesus Christ has taught?
36. Why is the unwritten doctrine of the Apostles called 'Tradition'?
37. Where are the teachings of Tradition contained?
38. What value must be placed on Tradition?
39. Why must we believe Tradition as well as the Holy Scripture?
40. From whom are we to learn the true meaning of Tradition?
6. Qualities of Faith. (Questions 41-55)
41. What must be the qualities of our faith?
42. When is our faith ‘universal’?
43. Is, then, no one at liberty to admit and believe only some points of the Christian faith?
44. When is our faith ‘firm’?
45. When is our faith ‘lively'?
46. Will a dead faith also save us?
47. When is our faith ‘constant'?
48. What leads people to fall away from their faith?
49. How do we especially show that our faith is firm and constant?
50. Is there also a particular sign by which Catholics profess their faith?
51. Why do we use the sign of the cross in order to profess our faith?
52. Whence comes the custom of making the sign of the cross?
53. When should we make the sign of the cross?
54. Why is it wholesome frequently to make the sign of the cross?
55. Why do we usually make the sign of the cross on our forehead, mouth, and heart, at the reading of the Gospel?
Episode Notes:
The text is available in the public domain for free online as a PDF. Used copies and reprint versions can still be found and purchased.
“A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion” by Father Joseph Deharbe SJ on
Show Sponsor: The Australian Catholic Mission
Original Air Date: May 29, 2015
Show Run Time: 58 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn
Show Host(s): Jason Guardiano
Season 4 Sponsor:
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