In today's edition of Quidlibet, Fr. Anthony Cekada tells how his organ training allowed him to pass on to a youth at St. Gertrude's, Andrew Richesson, the "tradition of improvisation stretching back to Dupré in Paris, and thence to the organists of the great cathedrals of Europe." The talented young musician's organ playing is featured on two videos embedded in Father's essay, one an improvisation from two years ago and the other a Bach fugue played last Sunday. Glorious.
You can feel his pain. Cardinal Bartolucci, (RIP), Director Emeritus of the Sistine Chapel Choir, gives his very revealing perspective on the destruction of sacred music after Vatican II in this June 2013 interview conducted by Wilfrid Jones, which he allowed New Liturgical Movement to publish.
Our Catholic peasant heritage includes much wisdom about food combining for optimal health. Tender Grassfed Meat shares the experience of making deeply-nourishing, soul-satisfying soup, peasant style.