I wanted to take a few moments to update those who participated in our fundraising drive for the Nigerian mission in July. Your generosity was significant and some of those funds were used to help pay for the travel of the two Nigerian seminarians now at MHT Seminary for the year. The physical contributions were significant as well, totaling over 150 books and booklets, two dozen statues and two dozen veils, and hundreds of crucifixes, rosaries, medals, and other sacramentals. We've taken account of everything and have sent a test package with some items to see the time it takes to get there as well as the reliability of the transport. We expect to have all the items sent to the mission before the end of the year. There are also the many spiritual bouquets that were donated which are a great work in their own right.
The last bit of housekeeping necessary to close up the campaign is the promise to those who had donated at least $150 towards this campaign of access to video of Fr. Nkamuke's Ordination, normally only available to TR Annual Members. Please use the form here if you have donated.
On behalf of SGG and the Bishop's Fund, and Fr. Nkamuke and the Nigerian Missions, thanks once again for your generosity. He Who sees all will reward you.