Another white man is viciously murdered by blacks, but Obama says nothing. Chronicles Magazine compares the president's handling of this case to the Trayvon Martin case. Everywhere we look we see the bloody results of a nation that does not submit itself to the social reign of Christ the King.
Yesterday, we featured a New Liturgical Movement post that correlated the queenship of Mary with the Feast of the Immaculate Heart. Today, we want to bring attention to Pope Benedict XV's teaching on the Immaculate Queen as the patron of a holy death, via Rorate Caeli.
Tradition in Action emphasizes the importance of bringing up children in habits of virtue, as taught by St. Alphonsus Liguori.
Has Francis in Rome said anything about the burning by the Moslem Brotherhood of so many churches in Egypt?
Yes, he has. “I wish to ensure my prayers for all the victims and their families, the injured and all those who are suffering,” the Pope said before the Angelus prayer Aug. 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption. “Let us pray together for peace, dialogue and reconciliation in that dear nation and throughout the world.”
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