During May, our thoughts and hearts naturally turn towards the Blessed Virgin Mary more than usual; it is her special month after all!
Some beautiful thoughts from the book "Divine Intimacy" compiled by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.:
"The high place which Mary, as the Mother of God, occupies in the work of our sanctification fully justifies our desire to live intimately with her. As children love to be near their mother, so we as Christians want to live with Mary, and in order to do this, we resort to little means of keeping her in our thoughts."
"All Mary's greatness and glory are explained in the light of her divine maternity; furthermore, her very existence is explained by her predestination to this high office. If God had not decreed that the Incarnation of His Son should take place in the womb of a virgin, we should never have had that masterpiece of grace and loveliness, the Most Blessed Virgin; we should never have had her smile or her maternal caresses. Therefore we love and honor Mary because she is the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus; and loving her in her relation to God, our devotion to her only makes our love for God, for Jesus, deeper and more tender. 'Mater Dei, Mater Creatoris,' Mother of God, Mother of our Creator, we invoke her in the litany."
Our True Restoration store has an entire department of books honouring Our Lady, and an extensive range of items that will aid us to deepen our devotion to the Mother of God.
For our Three Day Sale on Monday, 30th May through to Wednesday, June 1st, Central Time, we're slashing the prices on all these Marian products:
Admirable Heart of Mary by St. John Eudes – $9
Imitation of Mary - Thomas A' Kempis – Book Review – $8
Secret of the Rosary – $5
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Abridged – $9
Path of Mary – Book Review – $8
At the Foot of the Cross: Sorrows of Mary – Book Review – $13
Glories of Mary – Book Review – $9
Crown of Our Lady Chaplet – Product Review – $12
Brown Scapular with Colourful Images – $7
Pray the Traditional Rosary with Meditations: The Fifteen Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary – $8.50
Thirty Days Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary – $4
Consecration to Mary (Complete Five Week Preparation included) – Book Review – $13
Jesus Live in Me: Through the BVM in the Spirit of St. Therese – $7
Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary by St. Louis de Montfort – NB: TAN publisher, regrettably, added in commentary about the Luminous Mysteries, which clearly isn't part of the saint's original work. We recommend you black out any references of this nature. – $10
Manual of the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary – $8
Annual Members get a further 10% discount off their entire order!